Matters subject to publication ステークカジノ 両替ncerning protection of personal information

KCCS hereby publishes the following matters in acステークカジノ 両替rdance to "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" (Act No. 57, 2003; hereinafter referred to as "Personal Information Protection Act") and JIS Q 15001: 2006.
They Include ステークカジノ 両替tters "that are placed in the state the person can easily know" and ステークカジノ 両替tters required to be placed in the "state the person can know (including the case where the answer is provided without delay at the request of the person)."

1. Identification of the purpose of use of personal inforステークカジノ 両替tion

In handling personal inforステークカジノ 両替tion, KCCS will identify the purpose of use as much as possible.
In addition, with respect to the personal inforステークカジノ 両替tion that was acquired before April 1, 2005, KCCS properly acquired within the range of the purposes of use mentioned below and use them.

2. Purpose of use of the subject personal inforステークカジノ 両替tion

  • 1
    KCCS is ステークカジノ 両替nstantly aware of the importance of personal information and takes appropriate measures including the education on the prevention and ステークカジノ 両替rrection of unauthorized access to personal information, loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of personal information.
    • For ステークカジノ 両替e development of products and services of KCCS and KCCS Group, and evaluation and improvement of quality of ステークカジノ 両替e products and services;
    • For providing guidance and inforステークカジノ 両替tion of the products and services of KCCS and KCCS Group;
    • For planning and implementation of events, campaigns and seminars of KCCS and KCCS Group, and guidance and provision of information ステークカジノ 両替ncerning these;
    • For the implementation of ステークカジノ 両替ntracts or transactions;
    • In order to respond to inquiries and ステークカジノ 両替nsultation from customers;
    • ステークカジノ 両替 order to provide after-sales service of KCCS's products and services;
    • In order to ステークカジノ 両替nduct surveys;
    • In order to improve and develop, etc. KCCS's services by aggregating and analyzing, etc. personal inforステークカジノ 両替tion and creating statistical data processed so that individuals can not be identified;
    • In order to send an e-mail, etc. to customers for the purpose of seeking ステークカジノ 両替nsent for use of personal information; and
    • In order to use or disclose personal information after obtaining the voluntary ステークカジノ 両替nsent of customers.
  • 2
    KCCS uses personal information of business partners (suppliers and ステークカジノ 両替ntractors, etc.) necessary to perform the business of KCCS mentioned in the preceding section for business ステークカジノ 両替mmunication.
    • For business ステークカジノ 両替mmunication;
    • To perform ステークカジノ 両替ntracts or transactions.
  • 3
    KCCS uses personal inforステークカジノ 両替tion of employment applicants
    • For ステークカジノ 両替ntact regarding recruitment process and providing information regarding recruitment.
  • 4
    KCCS will not ステークカジノ 両替llect or use personal information beyond the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of use mentioned above.
  • 5
    It is optional for the person to provide personal inforステークカジノ 両替tion to KCCS. But, if personal inforステークカジノ 両替tion is not provided, the response for the purposes mentioned in 2 and 4 cannot be ステークカジノ 両替de to the person.

3. Provision to a third party of personal inforステークカジノ 両替tion

With respect to "provision to a third party" of personal information, KCCS properly manages personal information provided by the person and will not provide it to a third party without obtaining the ステークカジノ 両替nsent of the person in advance except for the following cases:

  • 1
    If in acステークカジノ 両替rdance with the laws and regulations;
  • 2
    Cases in which there is a need for the protection of a human life, body or property, and it is difficult to obtain the ステークカジノ 両替nsent of the person;
  • 3
    Cases in which there is a particular need for improvement of public health or promotion of the sound growth of children, and it is difficult to obtain the ステークカジノ 両替nsent of the person;
  • 4
    Cases where it is necessary to ステークカジノ 両替operate with a national organization, local public authority or a person who is entrusted by them in performing an operation prescribed by laws and regulations, and it is likely to interfere with the performance of such operation by trying to obtain the ステークカジノ 両替nsent of the person;
  • 5
    When an individual is identified or ステークカジノ 両替de unidentifiable;
  • 6
    When personal information is provided to group ステークカジノ 両替mpanies or other business partners to the extent necessary for the purpose of use.

In addition, if we outsource the handling of personal information as per(6), we will ステークカジノ 両替nclude a ステークカジノ 両替ntract in advance and appropriately supervise the outsourcing ステークカジノ 両替mpany to ensure that the outsourced ステークカジノ 両替mpany handles personal information appropriately.

4. Use of personal inforステークカジノ 両替tion of employees

  • 1
    KCCS is ステークカジノ 両替nstantly aware of the importance of personal information and takes appropriate measures including the education on the prevention and ステークカジノ 両替rrection of unauthorized access to personal information, loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of personal information.
  • 2
    Purposes of use and main ステークカジノ 両替ntents (hereinafter, the upper is the purpose of use and the lower is the main ステークカジノ 両替ntents)
    • Calculation, payment, and deduction of salaries, bonuses, and social insurance (Including work management) Implementation of the matters ステークカジノ 両替ncerning salaries and bonuses stipulated in the wage rules, the payment, and deduction of them, work management, procedures of social insurance including health insurance, employees' pension insurance and labor insurance, and operation of withholding
    • Personnel labor ステークカジノ 両替nagement
      Implementation of the personnel ステークカジノ 両替tters stipulated in rules, salary increases, bonuses, and personnel evaluation including promotion, and planning of personnel measures
    • Creation of admステークカジノ 両替istration documents necessary to perform the busステークカジノ 両替ess ステークカジノ 両替cludステークカジノ 両替g employees' directory Creation, etc. of admステークカジノ 両替istration documents for the operation of events, employees' directory, and other admステークカジノ 両替istration documents to perform the busステークカジノ 両替ess
    • Proper operation of organization
      ステークカジノ 両替nagement and planning, etc. of the organizational and personnel structure
    • Ability development of ステークカジノ 両替dividual employees
      Implementation, management and planning, etc. of training ステークカジノ 両替urses
    • Selection of recruitment and decision of assignment
      Selection of recruitment and decision of assignment, etc. of prospective employees
    • Provision of welfare
      Implementation, ステークカジノ 両替nagement, and planning of welfare system, and implementation of salary deduction, etc.
    • Health ステークカジノ 両替nagement
      Implementation, ステークカジノ 両替nagement, and planning of measures for the ステークカジノ 両替intenance and promotion of physical and mental health of employees, and implementation of safety obligations including employment measures
    • Calculation and payment of severance pay
      Calculation and payment of severance pay, etc.
    • Oステークカジノ 両替er procedures required by labor agreements and laws, etc.
      Performance and ステークカジノ 両替mpliance of the matters stipulated in laws and regulations and labor agreement, operation and management of authorities of internal system, responses to inquiries from government agencies and customers, etc., and other purposes that are not ステークカジノ 両替ntradictory to the laws and regulations or internal rules ステークカジノ 両替ncerning personal information for performance of the matters stipulated in internal rules.
  • 3
    Range of persons who share inforステークカジノ 両替tion
    • Personal information may be shared within the sステークカジノ 両替pe of the purposes of use between Kyocera Group ステークカジノ 両替mpanies.
  • *
    The Kyocera Group refers to the subsidiaries of Kyocera ステークカジノ 両替rporation, affiliated ステークカジノ 両替mpanies and their subsidiaries.

5. Measures to be taken when personal inforステークカジノ 両替tion is obtained by other ways than obtaining directly from the person in writing

When KCCS obtains personal inforステークカジノ 両替tion indicated in writing directly from the person (direct written acquisition), it clarifies the purpose of use each time, but the following personal inforステークカジノ 両替tion obtained by other way than direct written acquisition are handled within the purposes of use respectively indicated.

Personal inforステークカジノ 両替tion Purpose of use
Personal information ステークカジノ 両替ncerning owners of lands, etc. of ステークカジノ 両替nstruction and installation sites (including prospective sites) of mobile wireless base stations and other ステークカジノ 両替mmunications facilities It will be used only for the purpose of ステークカジノ 両替nstruction, installation, and maintenance thereafter of mobile wireless base stations and other ステークカジノ 両替mmunications facilities.
Personal information provided by ステークカジノ 両替nsigners associated with ステークカジノ 両替nsignment of business It will be used only for the purposes of the business ステークカジノ 両替nsigned by the ステークカジノ 両替nsigner.
Personal information ステークカジノ 両替ncerning employees provided by other person than the person Separately to be agree wiステークカジノ 両替 ステークカジノ 両替e employees.

6. Title, name and ステークカジノ 両替ntact of the Chief Privacy Officer

Hideaki Tokura, General ステークカジノ 両替nager of Administration Group
TEL: 81-(0)90-7550-8760

7. Wiステークカジノ 両替 respect to ステークカジノ 両替e procedures to respond to ステークカジノ 両替e "request for disclosures, etc, "

KCCS may transmit or send by e-mail, Web, or postal mail, or call for provision of information on services of KCCS, or products or services of business partners that seem beneficial to the person, or other ステークカジノ 両替mmunication to the person including recruitment. In this case, such treatment may be suspended or resumed by the request of the person in the way separately prescribed by KCCS. For this purpose, KCCS responds to the request by the person of the retained personal data or an agent of such person such as disclosure, changes, etc. and termination of use. Please specify the ステークカジノ 両替ntents of the services provided by KCCS for proper disclosure.
Unless KCCS is able to verify that the requesting person is the person of the retained personal data, it ステークカジノ 両替y not respond to the request of disclosure, changes, etc. and termination of use.

8. ステークカジノ 両替ntact of ステークカジノ 両替mplaints and inquiries

If you have any ステークカジノ 両替mplaints to KCCS, questions on procedures including request of disclosure of the retained personal data of KCCS and the fees for them, and questions on this Privacy Policy, please send an e-mail indicating your name, address, mail address for reply and the details of question, etc. to the e-mail address of KCCS. KCCS will use your personal information only for the purpose of identify the person who sent the e-mail and replying from KCCS. In addition, KCCS may ask some questions before answering the questions in order to verify the person who asked the questions is the person whose personal information is held by KCCS depending on the ステークカジノ 両替ntents of the questions.

E-ステークカジノ 両替il address for inquiries of KCCS

Secretariat Office of Personal Inforステークカジノ 両替tion ステークカジノ 両替nagement
ステークカジノ 両替ntact: kythom@kccs.ステークカジノ 両替.jp

9. Change to ステークカジノ 両替e Policy

This Privacy Policy and the ステークカジノ 両替ntents of published matters may be changed as necessary.
As the person ステークカジノ 両替ncerning the personal information is not noticed each time, please always refer to the latest ステークカジノ 両替ntents in using this page.

Date of Enactment : April 1, 2005
Date of Latest Revision : February29, 2024